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Weekly Services
Adult Bible Classes 10:00 a.m.
Children’s Sunday School 10:00 a.m.
Morning Worship Service 11:00 a.m.
Children’s Church 11:00 a.m.
Master Clubs 5:30 p.m.
Evening Service 6:00 p.m.
Youth Group Bible Study 7:00 p.m.
Adult Bible Study 7:00 p.m.
11755 Hwy. 281 North
Spring Branch, TX 78070
(830) 885-3948
Pastor James and Kori Leinneweber
Still Church
Timeless or trendy? Malls are trendy. Churches should feel timeless. With the forceful current of constant change sweeping over every part of our lives, people have the need to connect with something enduring and firm. We believe Christ designed the church to fulfill that need by representing an eternal kingdom and ageless truth with no need to imitate the culture. We want you to know that there’s still a church that feels like a church. It won’t feel like a rock concert, comedy club, or motivational seminar. It’s not old-fashioned, as in 50 years ago. It is timeless, as in 2000 years ago. Rebecca Creek Baptist Church. Still Church.
Still Preaching
Dynamic, passionate preaching straight from the Bible still brings more lasting change than comedy routines, drama, or motivational talks. Come discover the benefit of Bible preaching. Preaching conjures up a lot of different images in people’s minds these days. Boring. Dry. Irrelevant. Maybe you haven’t heard real Bible preaching! Preaching is simply a passionate and dynamic communication of an important and vital truth from the Bible. The preaching you hear will first of all be Bible-centered. We still believe in the absolute truth of the time-tested Word of God. Second, it will be relevant and clear. You won’t wonder what the point was, and you will be able to use it immediately. Last, it will be passionate and unapologetic. In a culture of “believe-whatever-you-want-regardless-of-whether-it-is-actually-true,” preaching might seem offensive to sensitive ears. Rather than water it down and mix it with entertainment, we still believe in that timeless, biblical practice called preaching.
Still Discipling
At RCBC we believe teaching others to observe all things is still just as important as telling others about Jesus! To that end, we have a robust discipleship ministry designed to help every believer understand in great detail what their salvation and relationship with Jesus is all about. This ministry is empowering and allows not only for exponential spiritual growth, but great joy in the life of each disciple as they recognize their spiritual purpose, and how to achieve it through one-on-one relationships and study.
How do you define discipleship? It’s critical…..
Many define discipleship as just “follow-up” or some kind of “deeper life Bible study,” or they have seen ministries and discipleship systems that cause problems. Therefore, they have a negative feeling about discipleship. So, what is our definition of discipleship?
– Discipleship is Bible study… but it’s more than that.
– It’s a good relationship between the disciple and discipler… but it’s more than that.
– It’s growing spiritually… but it’s more than that.
– It’s teaching the Bible… but it’s more than that.
– It’s accountability, training, and evangelism… but it’s more than just these activities.
At RCBC we multiply evangelizing disciple-makers through one-on-one connections that create evangelizing disciple-makers.
Welcome to RCBC, where discipleship is not just a buzz word… it’s what we are all about.
Still Hymns
Most church music amounts to dumbing down the lyrics and cranking up the volume to build interest. The songs we sing still generate an attitude toward God that is anything but lifeless and boring. Have you noticed that church just doesn’t sound like church anymore? The latest music trends rule the pew and no one really knows where that will stop. Isn’t it amazing how rock stations can make it promoting the oldies, but the modern church is now scared of the hymns? Even the oldies stations want the music pure, but if today’s church includes a hymn, it has to be reworked in modern rock to be accepted. We still believe the hymn is the most truthful and exciting form of music used in the church. Where it is appreciated, it is not boring. Even the hymnal is alive and well. Public schools know that if you want the most learning and participation, give the kids a book. Don’t get us wrong. We love new music and we like it to be loud. We just enjoy the volume coming from the congregation rather than from the guitar speaker. Come rediscover the excitement from the hymns.
Still Reverent
Every American institution knows that being casual affects our attitude. While you won’t find a judgmental spirit here, you will find a place that still believes reverence is right for the presence of God. American culture has become obsessed with casual. Having invaded every major institution including schools, businesses, and courtrooms; each of these have already lived to regret it. It is rare to find a serious classroom or courtroom that promotes “do as you want” and “drink as you please.” On the other hand, it is just as rare to find a church that doesn’t promote a casual or even careless approach in the services. We still believe that the presence of a Holy God deserves our attempt to express respect and reverence; not because it impresses Him, but because it affects our own hearts and attitudes. Reverence is a fading virtue in America, not because God no longer deserves it, but because churches no longer promote it. While we believe God deserves our best, we don’t try to police what that is. A heavy-handed judgmental spirit can often be worse than lack of reverence that is expressed in the casual approach to worship.
Still Men
The rumor that masculine men hate church is greatly exaggerated. Come discover an environment where plenty of real men still believe God expects them to step up and provide strong, loving leadership in the church and in their families. Look inside most churches today and one of the most notable vacancies is men. In particular, masculine men. We want you to know that’s not true everywhere. Rebecca Creek Baptist Church is blessed because of the generous involvement of men in every facet. We still believe men are expected to provide strong leadership within the church and their homes. Generations of that kind of leadership is one secret to America’s greatness. Feminism would have you think that masculinity demeans the woman, yet biblical masculinity is humble and compassionate, and values a lady more than life itself.
Still Family
Our culture’s experiments with the family have left the American home in a mess. We still teach the biblical roles for the family as the best answer and only hope for stable, fulfilled homes. The family has been redefined in America until there seems to be no absolute standard. In fact, the traditional, biblical definition of the home has become the minority. Even the most casual observer would have to admit that the American home is in trouble. A marriage with a mom and a dad whose love for each other grows year by year, surrounded by children who are happy and respectful is little more than a fairytale. Yet, in truth it really is more than a fairytale. It can be a reality and we still believe the key is the biblical roles for the family. Call them old-fashioned or timeless; the biblical plan still works because it is God’s plan. Our church is full of homes of various kinds, whether starting out right or trying to restore broken relationships around the proven biblical standard. With an abundance of young families and children, come enjoy a church that is still family.
Still Exciting
God doesn’t need the Top 40 or latest fads to be exciting. We still enjoy several timeless practices that stir the soul in a way that strobe lights and dancing in the aisles can never manufacture. There is a mistaken idea that God needs the help of the latest fads and technologies to be considered exciting. The truth about Him, watching Him work in lives just isn’t enough; it takes the latest music styles and entertainment trends to bring life to His Word. Entertainment and true worship do not produce the same result. Once a church starts down the path of entertainment, the destination is unpredictable and undesirable. What is exciting to the older folks is not tolerated by the younger, and a church becomes divided generationally. That doesn’t quite sound like the church Christ had in mind. We still believe that church can be exciting without borrowing the latest fads to kick-start the crowd. Several practices have been used for centuries and they haven’t gone out of style. Entertainment is not the key ingredient to excitement, the Lord is! It’s always exciting to be a part of what He is doing!