Plan Your Visit
Our desire is that your first visit to Rebecca Creek Baptist will be welcoming, comfortable, and refreshing. Get ready to meet friendly people, enjoy inspiring music, and hear helpful teaching and preaching. Here are a few answers to your questions and what you might expect on your first visit.
When are your services?
10:00 AM Classes For All Ages
11:00 AM Morning Service
5:30 PM Master Clubs
6:00 PM Evening Service
7:00 PM Adult Bible Study
7:00 PM Youth Bible Study
Loving nursery provided for all services.

What happens when I arrive?
Friendly greeters will meet and direct you to the auditorium, classrooms, or nursery. Greeters and ushers will be happy to answer any questions you may have during your visit. Information is also available at the Welcome Center.
What should I wear?
No matter what your personal style, you’ll be comfortable. Many people will come dressed casually, yet others might be dressed up in their “Sunday best.” Everyone, no matter what they wear, is invited and welcomed.
What are the services like?
Our worship services combine traditional hymns and God-honoring new music with clear, practical preaching and teaching from the Bible. The choir sings moving songs, soloists or small groups sing excellent specials, and the orchestra plays a wide range of music that we’re sure you will enjoy. In all of our services, Pastor Leinneweber preaches directly from the Bible, and we use the King James Version for all of our ministries.
Where can I park?
Our parking lot is to the left of the main building, and we also have a covered drop off circle that takes you right to the front door.
How long are your services?
Our Sunday School classes are 45 minutes in length, with a 15 minute break before the 11:00 AM worship service starts. Our worship service is typically a little over one hour in length.
Am I expected to participate in the offering?
No. We don’t invite you to Rebecca Creek Baptist Church for your offering. We want our service to be a gift to you. We hope you will find in this place a warm family spirit, truth from God’s Word, and a place where you can grow in God’s grace. Please don’t feel any obligation to participate in the offering as a guest.
How can I learn more about RCBC?
Attending a service or class is a good start. While you’re here, be sure to visit the Welcome Center in the foyer. Friendly people are there to answer your questions and provide you with information about our ministries and events. You can also fill out a Connect Card to request a visit or a phone call from the pastor.

How do I get to Rebecca Creek Baptist?